"...amazing twins like @pingkanpp @pungkypp, comic-addicted like @diandraash, jokes expert like @nzmzn, a weird but funny girl like @fesheyb..."dan gue langsung sedih. gue gamau pisah sama 9A yang gue bilang kelas luar biasa. amazing. cepet-cepet gue buka profile pagenya Bolang terus nyari tweet sebelomnya, ternyata dia ngepost kaya gini...
"will I find friends lyk them in my new school? a leader like @cantikamoskey, the desk-hitter like @adeakbar, kpop-addict like @Rafikhunnie.."dan perasaan gue makin tersentil, makin gamau pisah sama 9a yang gue sayang. gue selalu bilang gue paling suka saat-saat kelas 7--kelas 7a. tapi gue jg gabisa boong ke diri gue sendiri, bahwa gue super sayang sama 9a. super duper. kita satu kesatuan yang asik banget. bikin guru gedeg iya, bikin mereka seneng juga iya, bangga juga (I wish we made them proud of us though).
udah gitu kemaren (kamis, 22/4/2010) itu hari terakhir gue belajar bareng 9a. ga efektif sih, malah pada main laptop, baca komik, tidur, tereak-tereak, tidur di belakang, makan, lari-lari, ngejayus, main keyboardnya jodi(atau apapun namanya), dan itu bakal gue kangenin. 9a yang udah 2 taun bareng-bareng (thanks to Mr. Samsul Bahri for made this possible for us. I owe you a really big big biiiiiig thanks for that Sir!)
tapi, setiap pertemuan pasti ada perpisahan. nothing last forever. tapi ada satu yang pasti bakal gue inget, sampe gue tua--kalo masih inget sih woakakakakak. yaitu kesan lo semua di mata gue.
1. Ade Auliadi Akbar = The-Desk-Hitter, very smart but very crazy boy too, a little brother
2. Amanda Putri Anggraeni = A screaming laugh girl
3. Andina = the one who always called me 'abang'. and her favorite word is 'veses'
4. Anindita Chairina = very talkative and hyperactive girl. mood maker.
5. Anisa Dwi Puspita = kind comics purveyor. funny and also fun to tease :P
6. Annisa Meiliani Putri = my twinnie!!! japan-addicted
7. Arif Lukman Hakim = AC-fighter. we always fight for AC back then :p
8. Chandranita Retna Satuti = my..my.. my freak team mates! very athletic
9. Diandara Dwihita Savitri = my partner-in-crime at comic session :)
10. Diandra Amalia = innocent food lover, just lyk me LOL
11. Diandra Khalishah = ME ME ME ME ME ME ME!!! *people said, i'm a comic-addicted
12. Diatrhi Windrasari Hastono = real fighter, talkative for some nonsense things, hard to understand her words/speechs
13. Dzikrinna Zahrah Ramadhani = quite, shy, and low volume voice girl
14. Evita Vidyamoura Noviyanto = VERY FUN TO TEASE, my cutie and innocent eppit
15. Farhan Ramadhan = arabic master, wuuuhu!
16. Fatimah Nuwwaaridya Fitriani = funny ice princessa--like Mrs. Dedeh Kurniasih said :p
17. Febria Anggraeny = weirdo but funny girl. kpop-mania
18. Fikri Aulia Akbar = cat addicted--but somehow, he got allergic to a cat.
19. Fuad Noor Rahardyan = quite but 'sharp' words from his mouth?
20. Hana Fadhilla Amin = a girl who loved to screaming out loud
21. Ihsan Wirawan = athletic and crazy boy! love to tease omar
22. Jodi Rahman Tsany = rich 'chinese'! 'jayus' boy, good at debate, love to tease omar
23. Larasati Puspita Seruni = real dancer! love to scream and hysterical girl :P
24. M. Panji Wiratama Natsir = genius at math! kebab lover LOL LOL LOL
25. Nadya Putri Novanti = albino? cool and funny girl
26. Nilam Anggraeni = VERY FUN TO TEASE, REALLY. YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE ME! hellokittyfreak, defective cat, but scared to a cat? but! she's very kind and caring
27. Nita Ambar Annisa = funny, fashionable and nice girl :)
28. Nizma Anindya Adekita = EXPERT AT JOKES AND JAYUS! my freak team mate!
29. Omar Farizi Wonggo = king of jayus. really.
30. Pingkan Permata Putri = freak team mate, hatake kakashi lover, fun to tease--but I'm here! at your side (sometimes woakakakak)
31. Pungky Permata Putri = freak team mate, Saipul Jamil lover--LOL kidding, cute but (sometimes) arrogant expression--but look cute in my eyes ROFTL
32. Putri Cantika Reviera = true leader, mrs.rskl, kind and responsible woman
33. Rafikatiwi Nur Pujiarti = kpop-addict. the one who gave me SHINee virus
34. Reiza Nurrafi = quite boy. a real artist
35. Rizky Rahmadika Putra = 'metal' boy? fun to scream, love to tease omar :D
36. Tia Ayu Martiana = quite and very loner at class LOL--just kidding!
wow. another long post (again). see you next time bloggie :)
PS : can we go to same school again? in a same class again? please? pretty 100X please?
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