
15 October, 2011

waking up (somehow)

setelah sekian lama gue nganggurin blog gue ini, somehow, ada malaikat yang ngarahin tangan gue buat ngetik url blog gue dan mengarahkan gue ngeklik sign-in.

dan ini bener-bener keajaiban (apalagi kalo inget gue udah lama ngga ngeblog ato tumblring), dan somehow gue bersyukur sama keajaiban ini.

mungkin sekarang nggak ada yang baca tulisan gue, saking basinya blog ini ngga gue update-update, tapi gapapa gue bakal tetep nulis kok. lagi pengen, ehehehehehe.

jadi gemana kabar gue? gue baik. berhasil masuk kelas sosial yang gue dambakan dari SMP walaupun dengan tentangan keras nyokap (dan sampe sekarang pun gue masih suka disindir), dan berhasil....survive? yah begitulah. kehidupan rasanya indah tanpa ipa. dan gue percaya gue ngga perlu berkutat sama fisika-kimia-biologi selama 2 tahun terakhir gue di SMA buat jadi jaminan sukses gue.
(no offense buat anak ipa, gue percaya kok ipa-ips sama. ini cuma masalah minat)

hidup gue super chaotic belakangan. bukan sama kegiatan harian (gue udah nggak les apa-apa kecuali ef, dan kelas ef gue belom mulai lagi), lebih ke perasaan kali ya? perasaan gue lagi kacau. bukan galau karna cowok, bukan. cuma akhir-akhir ini gue stress sama hidup gue. yah begitulah hidup remaja umur 16 yang aneh. galau tanpa alasan. 

oke, skip. gue jadi terlalu melankolis. 

dan hidup gue terlalu panjang dan lama buat diceritain in detail di blog. 
(jadi apa gunanya gue nulis sekarang? gue sendiri juga nggak tau jawabannya. hhhh....)

dan otak gue lagi random banget sekarang. 
(another random statement, I guess)

dan sampai bertemu di tulisan gue yang entah gue tulis kapan tau. nunggu mood yak. 

PS : this is the start of my random-night. please give me your forgiveness for reading this random post. (bytheway, that's your fault. I wasn't the one who controled your hand to click to this post. HEHEHE! kidding!)

18 June, 2011


Pagelaran X5'11, "Premiere Amoure" is officially finished!

Ga tau mesti gemana, mau sedih, mau seneng, mau tereak, mau nangis, mau ketawa, semuanya udah ngumpul jadi satu. Ga kerasa kalo air mata gue akhirnya kebayar dengan pagelaran yang.....luar biasa nguras tenaga.

Bytheway, pagelaran itu ujian kenaikan kelas buat pelajaran seni musik, kita disana harus nampilin satu kreasi kita(yang biasanya ditampilin itu drama musikal, drama parodi) dan di dalam kreasi itu unsur musiknya harus dominan. Dominannya pol--eh engga deng, gue cuma mendramatisir hehehehe :p

X5 nampilin drama musikal judulnya Premiere Amoure, ceritanya panjang, yang jelas tentang cinta, dan penuh lagu galau(ada sekitar 10 lagu yang kita mainin). Walopun pemainnya cuma 4, pemain musiknya......6-7, dancer 4, sisanya backstage, kita bener-bener udah ngelakuin apa yang kita bisa.

Kita nggak latian sama sekali, sama sekali! Baru mau latian, eh juri-jurinya(alias guru seni) udah masuk, udah duduk. Yaaah gue sebagai.....berbagai seksi(acara, dekor, manager backstage) akhirnya kelimpungan sendiri dan cuma bisa berdoa kalo dramanya bakal sukses plus lancar.

Dan akhirnya, Allah emang baik, dramanya lancar! YaAllah pas dikasih review sama Bu Mel, nangis gue T_T sebelom pagelarannya juga gue nangis T_T belom seember air mata yang tumpah gara-gara masalah-masalah yang ada di sekitar pagelaran. Alhamdulillah semua kerja keras X5 terbayar o:)

Tapi.... Pagelaran selesai, berarti makin deket sama perpisahan sama X5 yang sebenernya. Bukan cuma bayangan, tapi beneran. Nyata. Padahal udah pewe banget sama X5. X5 yang lawakannya bisa bikin ketawa sampe nangis, X5 yang kompaknya setengah mati. Ceng-cengin Wowo, cengcengin Alder, cengcengin miss(es) buffer, capsa&tepok nyamuk pas jam kosong&istirahat....... Di X5 udah kaya gaada perbedaan gender, semuanya sama. Apalagi pas kita persiapan buat pagelaran, yaAllah......itu bener-bener kerasa bahagia&kompaknya.

Gasiap buat pisah. Tapi kalo ngga ada perpisahan, berarti kita semua bakal jalan di tempat. Gabakal maju. Apalagi chance sekelasnya dikit banget. Ada yang mau IPA, ada yang mau IPS. Semua udah menuju jalan yang beda. Yang jelas, gue bener-bener mendoakan semua anggota kelas X5 yang terbaik<3

Gonna miss you so much fellas, X5<3<3<3


*bytheway, gue lagi nyoba feature baru blogspot, yaitu posting via email :p*
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11 May, 2011

have you ever realized that...

pernah nggak lo sadar... kalo lo menekuni hobi yang harganya mahal?

dan pernah nggak lo... pengen sesuatu sampe banget-banget. sampe elo rela ngerelain 2/3 uang mingguan lo buat nabung demi barang itu. barang yang harganya nggak murah buat ukuran kantong anak sma kebanyakan--yah well, ini lain soal buat orang yang punya bokap-nyokap yang tajirnya luar biasa.

buat yang jawab salah satu pertanyaan diatas dengan kata iya, berarti lo ada dalam posisi yang sama gue. gue baru sadar kalo hobi gue itu harganya mahal. mahal banget bahkan. dan keadaan kantong gue nggak memungkinkan buat terus nge-support hobi gue ini. 

guess what my hobby is~

and yes, the answer is photography.

gue mungkin emang baru nekunin fotografi kurang dari setaun (officially-nya sih Juni 2010, tapi kalo non-official...mmm kayanya udah lama-_-) tapi yah... begitu. kantong sama keperluan ga pernah mencukupi. belum lagi gue komik dan novel yang nggak bisa ditelantarin gitu aja. dan kebetulan... gue lagi bener-bener ngincer sama satu item. yaitu...





(liat harga bawahnya? yes, that's the price. ini gue ngambil langsung dari kaskus soalnya)

ini baru kameranya. belom filmnya. belom case. dan belom prentelan-prentelan yang lain. diitung-itung gue bisa abis 1,5 sendiri. dan sekarang baru ada.....err....350? SISANYA DUIT DARIMANA.......................T_T

belom lagi pengeluaran bulan ini bener-bener GILA. tau apa? GILA! duit dapetnya susah, tapi ngeluarinnya kaya ngeludah di sembarang tempat, gampang+cepet banget. yah. nasib. gue bener-bener pengen cepet-cepet tahun ajaran baru, seriusan. walopun gue gamau pisah sama kelas gue X5(yes, kenapa saat gue udah nyaman sama orang-orangnya gue malah harus pisah sama mereka, HAH?), tapi gue bener-bener perlu nge-restart buku pengeluaran dan cara belanja gue dari 0. perlu perlu perlu. demi instax!

1.150.000idr to go, bismillah ndra! 

27 April, 2011

Heyya! It's been a long time since my last post :P tumblr captivate me with its charm, and luckily, I'm captivated HAHAHA. Check my tumblr :3

Rite now, I really have nothing to do. Lyk I'm sitting in the class with my earphone on my ears, Big Bang songs playing, and not in the mood to do anything. Cramps all over my back and stomach weren't the best thing to acompany you for the whole day. I prefer good feelings and nice weather acompany me the whole day ;)

Just heard about Big Bangs's schedule on May 28th. And..... you know what? IT'S ON JAKARTA, BABY! They will perform on a festival called Jakarta International Teen Festival, and the promotor is the same as the one who held Justin Bieber's concert. I hope the ticket's price isn't expensive, at least below 1 million idr. I just really hope so. And I really hope that my parents will let me to watch the concert(and paying for my ticket also :P). That's my earnest wish from the really bottom of my heart.

Why I'm so excited about this concerf? Because my current bias was Big Bang..... GD & T.O.P were so awesomeeeees :* eventhou in some point, my heart aches because their parodies....err.....why T.O.P have to kiss them all? In Boys Before Flower parody he kissed Daesung, in Beethoven Virus parody he kissed Seungri, in their latest parody, Secret Garden(which is REALLY AWESOME!!!) he kissed GD and Seungri!!! AAAAAA WHY YOU HAVE TO DO THAT, T.O.P?????(BUUUUUT... somehow I relieved that T.O.P did kiss girls too in his movies! If he wasn't........ his image as a gay will last in my brain for a loooong LOOOOOONG time *sigh*)

School... Somehow I think I can survive in this hell, no kidding. School wasn't hell in earth, but school is a cage with lion inside(and we're trapped inside). It may kill you anytime. In this school case, it may kill you with many tasks, piles of homeworks, fvcking tests, remedials, bad report card and the "most anticipated" in house, our parents' anger because what we do in school. HA HA. But the point is, school is sucks, but less sucks than before o:)

My last week holiday wasn't a holiday. It feels so fast! And many homeworks to do and may tasks stayed quitely waiting for me to touch them. But I didn't touch them at all hahahahaha. Sorry teachers, your homeworks were burdens who burdened my holiday! :3

Awshoooooooow! This post is getting to long. Ky
teacher has come too, by the way. Caio ppl!



04 March, 2011

it's been... 3 months?

hey blogger! sorry for so-late-first-post. 3 months have passed in 2011, and I  just write my first post hahahaha. sorry.

many things passed in 2011. some were good, some weren't. and I can't tell you one by one here. it will spend so much time for me to write(and for you to read too). there were... Pingkan&Pungky's birthday, Chondro's birthday, turboplast, starjam, many tests, many things happen in school and etc and etc. too many to write down.

but, well, I (still) miss my junior high life. life were easy. eventhou national exam wasn't easy, but life was perfect that time. BUT! yeah. life must go on, baby. I think I've adapt...well enough in my high school. I have friends who understands me (thankyou soooooooooooo much Ghina&Dhisti&Nursya), have freaky-yet-funny-classmates(love you all X5 :*), and I have object21. those people make me want to stay at my (current) second home, 21 High.

I just recieved my report card today, and the results? mmmm... so-so. not an outstanding score, but not a bad one too. things that make me pissed off (until now) is my homeroom teacher's report about me to my mom! OMFG, HOW COULD YOU TOLD MY MOM ABOUT THAT? about my sleeping habit in class? that isn't that important, madam. the most important to you is, my score. if I pass the minimum score, you shouldn't have any problem with me, should you?

mmmm... enough with that. I shouldn't talk more about that. that will make me remember about my mom's speech about my sleeping habit etc etc etc. is that wrong to sleep late? my body have adjusted to the sleeping-time. so, what you could do to me besides keep yell to me so I can go to bed? nothing. you have to be patient with this, momma.

bytheway, I'm in love with Dream High Dramaand the soundtrack! the cast! the story! I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT THAT OH MY GODDDDD!!! but that's a pity that the drama has finished on 28 february. I have watched the last episode and......I really hope that the production team will consider about second season, HEHEHEHEHE.

what time is it now? 10.17? OH MY GOD! I have to hide under my blanket so my mom won't give me another speech. byebye and sleepwell ppl.


-votre chienne :*